Users Executive Committee

The Users Executive Committee is elected by and represents Fermilab’s user community. Its purpose is to provide a forum for discussion of scientific and administrative matters relevant to the organization and functions of the Laboratory. You can find more information about the UEC here

UEC 2020-2021. From top left: Ashley Back, Nadja Strobbe, Alexx Perloff, Aleena Rafique, Yuanyuan Zhang, Ketino Kaadze, Monica Nunes, Reddy Pratap Gandrajula, Sophie Middleton and Jonathan Asaadi, and FSPA officer Anna Hall. Not pictured: Manolis Kargiantoulakis and Isobel Ojalvo


Volunteering and Mentoring Opportunities 

The UEC Education and Public Engagement Subcommittee maintains a list of current volunteering and mentoring opportunities, which you can find here

For more information, please contact: Manolis Kargiantoulakis, Alexx Perloff, Ashley Back



Have questions or comments?

Write to the UEC via the feedback form. (You may choose to be anonymous.)


Email: uec-feedback@fnal.gov